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Wednesday 6 November 2019

Baked Tapioca Cake

Baked Tapioca Cake or Bingka Ubi Kayu is a traditional snack dessert which I'm preferred it to be called kuih.

If you love this dessert cake or kuih, and like to make it often , it is good to invest an electrical grater or food chopper, else you be like me having a sore arms the next day. Or if you can find store bought frozen grated tapioca or cassava at the frozen section (that would be life saver to you! )

I have made this Tapioca Cake back in year 2011 using the same recipe / Table for 2...or more

Baked Tapioca Cake / Bingka Ubi Kayu

1.2kg Tapioca  (after peeled and grated, it weigh about 900gm more or less)
200gm sugar
200ml coconut cream
200ml water
2 eggs
40gm butter

Peel and grate the tapioca. Set aside.

Slightly beat the eggs in a bowl and  mix in the coconut cream together. Set aside.

In a small sauce pan, boil the 200ml water and sugar till dissolved and melt in the butter.
Immediately pour this hot solution into the grated tapioca and stir to combine. It should thicken slightly.

Pour the coconut milk/eggs mixture  into grated tapioca mixture and stir well to combine.

Pour batter into a lined grease proof paper into a 7" or 8" inch square baking pan and bake in a preheated oven at 170/180C for 1 hour or  until golden brown.

                          Golden brown