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Wednesday 18 January 2012

Chinese New Year......Almond Cookies

Yes, it is the new year 2012 now and I know I have been missing in action for not posting any recipes here.  I have injured my right hand for almost two months now and I'm still undergoing my physiotherapy session.  At least for the time being, I could lift up my right hand or else I am not able to start baking any cookies for this coming Chinese New Year.

It is hard for me to view other bloggers posting their beautiful cookies and dishes while I could only look at them and not being able to do it myself.  Anyway I will take it slow as I need to get my right hand to fully recover.

Here my first start post of the new year is this Almond Cookies.   I have made it numerous times in the past years as this is my favourite cookies.  I loves this cookies so much that I got to make it and with the help of my dad, finally I have baked my first Chinese New Year cookies.

120g almond meal
180g plain flour
120 caster sugar
1/4 tsp salt
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp baking soda

120ml vegetable cooking oil (sunflower, canola or corn oil)

For Glazing:
1 egg yolk (beaten)

1.  Combine Ingredients A and B in a mixer and mix to form a dough.
2.  Scale the dough of about 7g each rounded portion.  (I used a watermelon ball roller).
3.  Arrange on alined baking trays and glaze the surfaces with egg wash.
4.  Bake at a preheated oven at 180 Celcius for about 15-20 minutes until lightly browned.
     Cool well before storage.