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Tuesday 29 April 2014

Castella Cake

Castella Cake ~ have you bake this cake before?  I have been trying and trying and trying and really, I have even lost count how many times I have tried.  All those failure has really disappoint me.  Was it just because I do not have that special wooden mould?  No, some even have successfully baked it without that wooden mould.  Probably I am really no good at baking this cake and moreover my oven is the "hot tempered" type!  

But this castella cake is too delicious for me to give up just like that, this is why I have not given up hope.


4 egg whites (medium size),  at room temperature
4 egg yolks (medium size),  at room temperature
130g sugar 
100g bread flour, sifted  
40g honey 
20g milk    (You can use 2 tbsp water or mirin & mix dilute with honey)

Using two square cake pan measuring 8" and 7"; and cut out some cardboards to be slotted and fitted in between the two pans on all the four sides.  Wrapped the cut out cardboards with aluminium foils.  Cut out and place a parchment paper to the bottom of your 7" square pan.

Preheat oven to (165°C).

Place egg whites in mixing bowl and beat at high speed  until slightly foamy. Add sugar in 2 to 3 batches until firm peaks form

Add egg yolks one at a time at medium low speed until well combined. 

Add in the honey. Whisk till combined.  
Add sifted bread flour and beat until just combined.
Drizzle the milk around and lightly using a spatula to mix in till combined.

Pour the batter into the 7" cake pan. Give the pan lightly tap on the counter to release air out. Using a spatula, smoothen the top of batter to remove any remaining bubbles. Put the 7" pan into the 8" pan and slot in all four corners with the wrapped aluminium cardboard.

Bake in preheated oven for 45 min or until top is evenly browned. Remove pan from oven and carefully take out the 7" square pan  and drop it from a one foot height onto the counter 2-3 times to prevent shrinkage.  Invert the cake pan onto metal cooling tray for 5-10 minutes. 

When cake is cool enough to handle, remove from pan. Peel off the bottom parchment paper. Wrap the cake with a fresh parchment paper and another layer with plastic wrap and leave overnight at room temperature or in the fridge for flavor to develop.
To serve, cut off edges on three sides except the browned top with a very sharp knife. Cut into thick slices using a sawing motion.

                 My slice cake look a little short and flat but nevertheless I am pleased this time
                                                        it doesn't shrink and wrinkle up.


This castella cake method of using two baking pans slotted with cardboard wrapped with aluminium foil was brilliant and it was sourced from Kitchen Tigress blog.  Thank you.

Tuesday 1 April 2014

Garibaldi Biscuit

Have you heard of a biscuits called " squashed fly biscuits"Yes?  No?  What about "Garibaldi biscuits"?  No?  And what about "Raisins biscuits or sultanas biscuits" then?  Yes, right?  Raisins/Sultanas biscuits are quite common for us here and we used to eat this and commonly sold at the supermarkets.

Well, squashed fly biscuits or Garibaldi biscuits or Raisins biscuits they all are the same. This biscuit also exist under different names in other countries.

You can find more information on Garibaldi biscuits here (Wikipedia).

Garibaldi Biscuits
Recipe sourced from Emma of Poires au Chocolat
Original Recipe from Delia Online
(Makes 16)

110g plain flour
¼ tsp baking powder
big pinch of fine sea salt
25g unsalted butter, cold
25g caster sugar + bit extra to sprinkle
1 egg
3 tbsp milk
100g raisins
zest of ¼ lemon 

Preheat the oven to 190C/375F. Line a big baking tray with baking parchment. Mix the flour, baking powder and salt together in a bowl. Chop the butter into cubes then add to the bowl and rub in. Stir in the caster sugar. In a bowl or mug whisk the egg yolk and milk together, then add to the bowl and gently mix in just until the dough comes together. Use your hand to bring it into a ball.

Dust the worktop with plenty of flour then place the mix in the middle and dust again. Roll out to a rectangle of roughly 7 x 11" or 20 x 30 cm, using more flour when needed. Tip the fruit onto one half and zest the 1/4 lemon on top. Spread the fruit out into an even layer so it covers half the dough. Fold the other half over the fruit. Check it hasn't stuck to the surface, dusting again if needed. Roll out to 7 x 11" or 20 x 30 cm again.

Trim the sides with a sharp knife so you have a clean rectangle then cut into two lengthways. Cut each strip into 8, so you have 16 small strips. Transfer to the baking sheet. Brush the tops with some of the egg white (you'll only use a small amount) then sprinkle with a little extra caster sugar. Bake for 14-16 minutes until deep golden brown. 

Cool on a wire rack.

                             These biscuits not only so good and they are so easy to make.  


I'm linking this post for Cook Like A Star hosted
 by Joyce of Kitchen Flavours, Zoe of Bake for Happy Kids and Mich of Piece of Cake.