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Wednesday 2 October 2013

Nasi Lemak With Sweet Sambal

Let's spice up life with some spicy food instead of sweet cakes today ~ Nasi Lemak With Sweet Sambal!  

Being a Malaysian, I am sure this is everyone's favourite, right?  We can almost have this for every meals; we usually have this for breakfast, but the same goes for lunch too, for afternoon tea break, or dinner and even for supper too!  What a marvellous dish this is.

And yes, this sweet sambal is the sambal I am looking for.  Just love the sweetness in it.

Easy Sweet Sambal with Gula Melaka
(recipe source from NasiLemakLover with some changes)

15g dried chili (trim and cut into 2-3pcs, boil in hot water and drained)
2 fresh red chilies
3 large onions (I used 2 large onions for blending only and 1 onions thinly sliced for frying into the chilli paste)
a small knob of belacan (shrimp paste)
50g Gula Melaka (palm sugar)
1pc tamarind peel (asam keping)
1 cup cooking oil
½ cup water
salt to taste

1. Blend dried and fresh red chilies, onions and belacan (with little water) till fine paste.
2. Heat cooking oil in a wok, deep fry 1 cup of ikan bilis (anchovies) till golden brown. 
    Remove fried ikan bilis and keep aside for later serve with nasi lemak.
3. Add in blended chili paste into remaining oil, sauté till aroma.
4. Add in gula Melaka, tamarind peel and salt, continue to sauté over low flame for 30mins. 
    Cook till half way, paste will become thick, add in water and continue cook.
    Lastly, add in the balance chopped onion slices, cook till it soften.  Dish up.
5. Serve with coconut rice and other condiments like fried ikan bilis (anchovies), cucumber 

    slices, hard-boiled eggs, fry peanuts or any other condiments to your preference.

Nasi Lemak (coconut rice)
Recipe adapted from NasiLemakLover

4cups rice (I use Thai fragrant rice)
150ml coconut milk
550ml water
5pcs pandan leaves (screwpine leaves)
1 and 1/2 tsp salt or to taste
1” ginger, shredded

1. Place washed rice, salt and knotted pandan leaves in an electric rice cooker.
2. Pour coconut milk, water,ginger and salt over the rice and leave to soak for 30mins
    (make it more fluffy).
3. Cook the rice. Once button auto switched to “keep warm” button, fluffed up rice with a 
     fork or chopsticks.
4. Leave it warm in the rice cooker before serve.

                                       East sweet Sambal.....I love this sambal better those 
                                                                   previous recipe.

                          My Nasi Lemak is missing something.   You know what is that?

 Have a wonderful day!  Cheers........