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Tuesday 1 January 2013

Kumquat Tart

Hello everyone,

HAPPY NEW YEAR 2013 to you!  May the year 2013 brings you good health and may you stay happy at all times!

To start the year 2013, I have baked a Kumquat Tart.
I hope you won't gave me a remarks of saying......kumquat again?!
Well, kumquat is one of my favourite I will try to use this to bake all types of cakes or tart to indulge in....

The tart crust I used here is the same from my Lemon Tart (Shortbread crust from joyofbaking).

As for the filling, I just created it myself ....with kumquat puree, eggs, milk and sugar.  You can called this as Kumquat Egg Tart too.  I baked this for 20 minutes and thought the filling already set and cooked.... I used only 2 eggs which supposed to use for 3-4 eggs.

I will try to perfect it the next time....


 Hope your start of the new year 2013 has been a good one so far....... well, I am lazying at home catching some movies....  with a cup of tea and a few slices of this kumquat tart...