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Monday 30 May 2011

Apple Yeasted Sugar Tart

When I have completed baking this, I wasn't really satisfied with the outcome.  Why?  I made a blunder on it as I didn't whipped the cream till it rise to soft peaks!   But anyway, this apple tart is delicious indeed when eaten when it is still warm!

Recipe adapted from Technicolor  and Table for 2.... or more
Great source of recipes from both of them.

Apple Yeasted Sugar Tart
245g all purpose flour, sifted
a pinch of salt
1 tbsp caster sugar
1 tsp instant yeast
1 egg (at room temperature)
120ml warm whole milk
28g softened unsalted butter
2-3 Granny's Smith apples
67g demerara sugar
some ground cinnamon
120ml whipping cream

1) Place flour, salt, sugar and yeast into a bowl; make a well in the centre.  Meanwhile whisk egg with
    warm milk and pour into the centre of the flour mixture.  Using a spoon first to mix all well combined.
2)  Mix in the butter and knead to a smooth, thick batter.
3)  Cover with plastic wrap and leave to rise in a draught-free place for 30 minutes.
4)  Knock back dough, then press it into a 22cm buttered pie pan or loose-bottomed flan pan, cover with
     plastic and allow to recover for 30 minutes.
5)  Preheat oven to 200°C with fan assisted.
6)  Peel apples, cored them and cut into eighths. Press apple slices into the dough, and sprinkle with the
     demerara sugar and ground cinnamon on top.

7)  Put pie pan on a baking sheet. Bake for 10 minutes, then reduce heat to 180°C.
8)  Spoon cream over apples and bake for 20 minutes.
9)  Serve slice tart warm.