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Thursday, 21 March 2013


I made a promise earlier but I lied..... I promised that after I made the Kumquat Shaker Pie I wouldn't be posting anymore kumquat recipe anymore but I just couldn't help it and this Ms Kumquat is at it yet another post again!

Well it is all because of the upcoming Bake Along #41 whereby the theme is Turnovers, so I thought I join in the fun to bake along with them and moreover I still have a little 'some'  kumquat jam left.

Initial, today post should be the savoury turnovers but I wasn't very pleased with the outcome of the bakes and therefore I post this Kumquat Almond Turnovers first.


(makes 4 triangles turnovers)

100g kumquat jam 
50g ground almond
50g melted butter
1 egg yolk (for egg wash)

5, store bought phyllo pastry sheet *
(when I unwrapped the pack of the phyllo, it was all broken into 3 parts therefore, I took one part which is the size of 3" x 12" to use instead or else I will take the whole sheet to fold, and fold)

Preheat the oven to 18C. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.

In a small bowl, mix the kumquat jam and ground almond together till all combined.  Set aside.
Unwrap the phyllo, take out the five sheets needed, and place them on a clean counter. Cover with plastic wrap and then a damp towel to keep them from drying out.
Cut the phyllo sheet into the size of 3" x 12".

Take one cut sheet of phyllo and brush all over with melted butter, place another cut sheet on top and brush over again.  (One triangle turnover have 5 long strips).

Place 1-2 tablespoons of the kumquat mixture on the bottom right corner of the sheet and fold it up like a flag, corner to corner. Continue to flip the triangle (don’t fold them too tightly or the will explode in the oven), until you get near the end of the strip. Slice off the top left corner of remaining unwrapped phyllo, then brush remaining “tab” with melted butter and fold over to seal the pocket.

Place it on seam-side down, on the prepared pan. Brush the turnovers with egg wash.
Bake, uncovered, until the turnovers are browned and crisp, about 20 minutes. Let cool slightly on racks and serve warm.

 I added the ground almond into the kumquat jam so it won't be runny while baking but only need to seal the phyllo properly else it will 'burst' out.

Delicious and crispy!  You can always use mixed berries as the filling; and if I am making with phyllo again, I think I used blueberries.

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