
Monday 26 May 2014

Blueberries Almond Muffin

When Jessie of Jessie-CookingMoments posted her Raspberries Blueberries Muffins weeks ago, not only the ingredients that captivated me but after reading her opening 1st paragraph, I just had a laugh and I know this muffin must be real good that the Hippomama's grandma keep coming back asking more for this muffins.

I always love blueberries and almond meal in my bakes and if I have all the ingredients in my fridge, I will not hesitate to bake this immediately.

And guess what, at this post, this is already my 2nd bake for this delicious muffins;  only thing is I only have blueberries in my fridge, so no raspberries in it.  As I have baked Blueberries Muffin before, and I do not want to confused with the same title of Blueberries Muffin, so I named this as Blueberries Almond Muffin instead.

Blueberry Almond Muffins 
Recipe Source & text copy from Jessie-CookingMoments with changes 

150g Low Gluten Flour, sifted
140g Unsalted Butter, room temperature
120g Caster Sugar
60g Cream (35% Fat)
40g Almond Meal
4g Baking Powder
1g Salt
2 Eggs (about 60g each)
2tbsp Fresh Milk
120g Frozen Blueberries, lightly thawed
Fine Zest of 1 Lemon 

1. Mix flour, almond meal, baking powder & salt in a clean bowl.
2. Preheat oven to 160C. Line muffin pan with cupcake liners.
3. Beat butter & sugar until light & fluffy. Add eggs, one at a time. Add cream & lemon zest. 
    Mix well.
4. Add flour mixture & milk. Mix well on each addition.
5. Fold in the blueberries.
6. Spoon the muffin mixture into the cupcake liners until 80% full.
7. Bake for about 30 minutes.

Well, needless for me to say, as this is my 2nd baked in a row, these muffins are really yummy and delicious.  But if you are not into cakes that are creamy and buttery in texture, I don't know if you will like it ...  well, I really do absolutely crazily LOVE IT!!  Because the texture is something like my top favourite cake ~ Tish Boyle's Plainly Perfect Pound Cake

Thank you Jessie.


  1. neither can i resist blueberries and almond meal! plus texture like TB's pound cake? that's ultra bonus! bookmarked for sure

  2. Hi Mel! I definitely love cakes that are creamy and buttery which means that I must bake these muffins!

  3. Heading to the kitchen now! I know this will taste totally fabulicious! Just like how gorgeous it looks! I might have to replace the cream with milk.. am loathe to open a whole carton of cream for it.. fingers crossed it'll work and taste just as good ^^

  4. I have never tried baking with almond meal, reading about how good it is from you, i think i must give it a try soon :)

  5. Perfect and delicious yummmi!!!

  6. The fragrance of almond meal, butter and cream ... can't resist. Think I could have 3 muffins at 1 go ! Yummy!

  7. Mel, I also bookmarked this recipe when I saw Jessie posted it. Your muffins looks delicious to me too. Nice shots especially the first photo :-)

  8. I love berries in my bakes too. These muffins look really good, bookmarked! :D

  9. This is a beautiful blueberry almond muffin and it can be very healthy! We are going to serve this as a Memorial Day treat for our dieting group tonight. The blueberries are beautiful and they cause great weight loss, this is a healthy muffin with those blueberries. Click my name to see.

  10. You and Jessie both also love this muffin, the taste must be very suit both of you.

  11. hi mel, these muffins already sound like a delicious treat and you know, i actually hv intention baking that tish boyle's pound cake..was just looking at that recipe few days ago!

  12. They look and sound very good!

  13. Hi Mel,
    Have seen this at Jessie's and this looks wonderful! And I do agree with you on Tish Boyle's pound cake, it is yummy! I am a fan of Tish Boyle and love her bakes!

  14. Hi Mel,
    This muffins look pretty! I bet they are yummy too!
    I love almond meal in my bakes too. Would like to try this one day.

  15. Hi Mel,

    I'm the sure that the addition of almond meal in these muffins must be making them very moist. I love to try this recipe too :D


  16. I love blueberries muffins. These look really great because of the almond meal which makes it more nutritious and flavourful.

  17. Ha you reminded me that I have a punnet of blueberries sitting in my fridge. Lovely muffins

  18. Hi Mel,

    How many muffins can you make with this recipe?

    Thank you

    1. Hi Ling
      My muffin size is standard size and this recipe yields about 12.
