
Monday 16 May 2011

Sago Pudding With Coconut Milk & Palm Sugar syrup

I started learning making this sago dessert back in 1996 when we have our family's Korean BBQ Restaurant business.  And so, being in the food business, I have to make this everyday and thus, this have become my specialty of making it.

I remember when I moved to NZ, my mum continue to make this almost every alternate days until we have to stop her from making it whenever we have family get together.  Well, it has been ages I have sago pudding and here it is....... Sago Pudding with Coconut milk and palm sugar syrup! 


2 liters Water
200g Pearl Sago
200g  Palm Sugar (Gula Melaka), roughly chopped
150 ml Water
250 ml Coconut Milk


1.  Bring the water to a boil in a big pan. Pour in the sago into the hot water and keep stirring the sago
     to prevent them from sticking to the bottom of the pan.
2.  Cook sago for 15 - 20 minutes. Turn off the heat, cover pan and set aside for 10 minutes. By then,
     the sago should be translucent, indicating that it is cooked.
3.  Pour the sago into a colander and run cold water to rinse off the starchiness.  At this point, you may add
     in any food colouring as you like.
4.  Pour the sago into jelly molds or small dessert bowl and chill well.
5.  Combine palm sugar and water in a small pan and simmer until sugar dissolves. Cool.
6.  To serve, turn the sago out and spoon on some coconut milk and palm sugar syrup.

Pink or white?  Which want you prefer?